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Kevin Lam’s Ultimate Guide to Selling Your Home in Seattle

Between the Pacific Northwest’s stunning scenery and storied history, it’s no wonder Seattle is a popular locale for real estate seekers across the country. Despite its broad appeal, the recent volatility of the national real estate market and rising mortgage rates have made waves into even the most desirable of cities, and Seattle is no exception. Compared to May 2022, the price of properties in Seattle as of August 2022 has been trending downwards slightly to reflect the cooling of the real estate market across the board.
Even so, prices in King County are still up from summer 2021, with a median sales price of single-family homes of $899,999 — a 5.8% increase over August 2021. Condos faired similarly, with an 8.3% increase in the median sales price since August 2021. This mirrors the fact that, although the market is slowing down, there will always be home seekers in this incredible part of the Pacific Northwest.
If you’re entering the Seattle real estate market as a seller, you may be wondering how to navigate the volatility of the current housing scene. As the market cools down and rebalances more towards a buyer’s market, it becomes all the more essential that you work with a skilled local professional on your side. You want to team up with an agent who will guide you towards intelligent pricing strategies, utilize tried-and-true marketing and negotiation techniques, and ultimately end up with a highly profitable home sale.
Thankfully, you can find confidence and peace of mind with Kevin Lam’s top home-selling tips. Read on for his expert guidance!

Select an experienced agent

The reasons for hiring an agent are legion, from having a trusted professional invested in your success to being able to hand over key negotiations. The real estate agent you choose should possess notable negotiating skills, a solid history of successful real estate deals, and an in-depth knowledge of both the greater Seattle area and your specific neighborhood. Whether this is the first home you’re selling or your fifth, you’ll also want to find someone who demonstrates patience, understanding, and fine-tuned listening skills.

Agree on a prime price and time to sell

As Seattle is experiencing a slight downward trend in median prices, selecting the right time–and price–for your home requires tremendous comprehension of the industry and the market’s fluctuations. A seasoned and gifted agent will work closely with you to determine these exceedingly important aspects of the selling process.

Find a storage space

Unless you have purchased or rented a residence before putting your Seattle property on the market, consider renting a storage space. Why? Preparing your home for photographs, open houses, and showings requires a space that’s devoid of excessive clutter, furniture, and personal belongings. Pare it down to what’s necessary to live–and to showcase your home’s style and beauty–by moving unnecessary items to a secure place.

Obtain a pre-listing inspection

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Having your home professionally inspected before placing it on the market will work to your advantage in various ways. It will help you and your agent come to an agreement about the property’s price, it will give you a leg up on what your buyer’s home inspector may find, and it will offer you the opportunity to handle renovations and repairs at your discretion. What’s more, it will demonstrate to potential buyers that you have a meticulous understanding of your home, enabling you to answer questions they will undoubtedly have about its insulation status, electricity, plumbing, and more.

Make sensible renovations

After your pre-listing inspection, you will have a sound grip on the immediate and future repairs your home requires. Discuss the most vital renovations that must be done with your home inspector and Seattle real estate agent, and hire experts to tackle tasks that are outside of your skills.

Thoroughly clean your home

Whether you hire out to a cleaning crew or handle some–or all–of it on your own, pay close attention to the less conspicuous parts of your home you may have overlooked during the passage of time. Also, perform a careful cleansing and organization of your closets, cupboards, pantry, garage, and other storage spaces.

Retain the services of a professional stager

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Expert home stagers have an incisive understanding of what renders a home inviting, desirable, and eminently photographable. While it’s certainly possible to stage your home on your own, professional stagers can earn you multiple offers while also helping your home spend less time on the market. Ensure the stager you hire has a portfolio of similarly-priced homes, and aim to work with someone who has an understanding of Seattle’s distinct style and ethos.

Zero in on your home’s uniqueness

Buyers of Seattle luxury homes are happy to learn the home they’re interested in has a fascinating story behind it, whether it’s been in your family for a century or once belonged to someone of prominence. Historic tidbits and the like have the potential to enhance your marketing materials and your home’s overall appeal. The same holds true for the enclave in which you live, whether it’s vibrant Fremont or beautiful Montlake.

Give your exterior and entryway special attention

Going above and beyond to revitalize your home’s curb appeal will increase its overall allure as well, while also ensuring you make an excellent initial impression. If you plan to sell in the spring or summer, ensure that you and/or your landscaper capitalize on Seattle’s warmer temps by planting (or reinvigorating) foliage and flowers. Several of Seattle’s lovelier native plants, including Pacific Bleeding Hearts, Common Camas, and Red Colombine, may make for terrific, dazzling additions. At the same time, give your front door and entryway an extra dose of love with a fresh coat of paint, potted plants, and enticing lightning.

Prioritize marketing

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Given the increasing interest in Seattle and its growing reputation as the Pacific Northwest’s Silicon Valley, your home ought to be introduced to qualified buyers not just in Washington but across the nation and the world. Striking visuals, captivating content that exploits your home’s distinctiveness, and the general theme or feel of your home should be artfully used to reach, and appeal to, a global audience. Your Seattle real estate agent should use top-notch marketing skills to get your home the most viewers possible.

Provide the option of private showings

Private showings specifically for enthusiastic, viable buyers allow for a more personalized and unforgettable experience. Allow your agent to manage these showings — as well as open houses — so that prospective buyers can make inquiries they may not feel comfortable doing in your presence.

Prepare for the next steps

Selling a home can take a great deal of time, or it can happen in an instant. Having a strategy for your next steps — whether it’s traveling, renting a condominium, or conducting a search for your own home — will provide you with confidence and excitement before you accept an offer.

Ready to get started?

Kevin Lam Homes helps clients reach this stage — and does so with compassion, knowledge, and grace. Having called Seattle home for the last decade, Kevin has an extensive understanding of the city’s singular neighborhoods and the Pacific Northwest’s market. Simplify the process of selling your Seattle property with his expertise and assistance.

*Header photo courtesy of Shutterstock

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Kevin recognizes the importance of finding your home where you can make memories, foster relationships, and build communities. Contact him today!
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